I host stephenhucker.com at bluehost.com.
One of their best features is SSH access to my domain.
So when I upgrade WordPress. I can simply
1. ssh to my server, then issue the command, –> wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
2. which will download the wordpress files to the server, then
If you have shell access to your web server, and are comfortable using console-based tools, you may wish to download WordPress directly to your web server. You can do so using wget , lynx or another console-based web browser, which are valuable if you want to avoid FTPing. Place the package in a directory parallel to your current wordpress directory (like “uploads,” for example). Then, unzip it using: gunzip -c wordpress-2.0.4.tar.gz | tar -xf – or by using: tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
3. so issuing the command –> tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
will expand the archive to a folder called wordpress
4. Copy from the blog folder to wordpress
wp-config.php file;
wp-content folder;
wp-images folder;
wp-includes/languages/ folder–if you are using a language file, do not delete this folder;.
.htaccess file–if you have added custom rules to your .htaccess, do not delete it;
Custom Content and/or Plugins–if you have any images or other custom content or Plugins inside the wp-content folder, do NOT delete them.
5. Rename the blog folder to blog old –> mv blog blogold
6. Rename the wordpress folder to blog –> mv wordpress blog
7. Run the upgrade process
— the end —