Australia Day Long weekend

At the moment I am Mum’s place. Until two days ago I had to be back at work on Monday.

That was a bit of a nuisance because Tuesday, is the Australia day public holiday.

Fortunately every three months at work you can ask for a flex day off and they must give it to you.

At the moment it looks like I will be riding back to Melbourne tomorrow afternoon (Sunday).

On the way up I encountered some strong crosswinds, well over 30km per hour. I nearly gave up on the ride because it took me a while to figure out how to deal with them (counter-steer)

On December 29 last year I order some book from and they have been sitting here at mum’s place for over a week. I am quite impresed at the speed of delivery from Americia.

I am happy with the order because I saved over $150. The books if I purchased in an Australian book store would have cost me around $260 which I find somewhat depressing.

By order from halfway around the world you can save a substantial amount of money. No wonder all the big non chain bookstores in Melbourne that I knew and loved have gone out of business.

From now on I will be ordering direct from the states, as long as our dollar is over 90 US cents of course!