Part one of an essay on my computers that I have owned. In Part two I will flesh out a narrative to go with the pictures.
When I went to university, I updated my PC to a Commodore Amiga A500. Note the hi-tech dot matric printer with Z Fold paper.
Then I moved onto the more business like Apple Macintosh Classic. It had a massive 12″ screen, in monochrome. But it was very portable and a great machine.
From the late 90’s to to 2003 I had a dual screen setup with two 17 CRT” monitors. Man, are those PC’s butt ugly
When I worked in Korea, my school lent me a laptop. I found that pairing it with a monitor and a wireless keyboard/mouse combination worked really well.
But you can’t play games on a work laptop 🙁 and I don’t really like PCs ..
So in 2004, but to a Mac, this time, my first laptop. An iBook G3.
A good little machine, but a little underpowered and not very good for games.
As I was about to leave Korea in the next year or so I purchased two machines!
– a Mac Mini for surfing the web / work and a Shuttle XPC for games.
The shuttle was expensive, over 1.1 million won! .. but worth it at the time.
In hindsight it would have been cheaper just to buy a normal PC and take the motherboard and components home.
In November 2008, I purchased the superseded model of the 15″ Macbook Pro