Installing WordPress on Windows 7

I have recently purchased a new Windows 7 machine. The official reason is to learn photoshop, but really it is to play games.

One of the things I wanted to do is to learn WordPress. On my Mac it gets a bit technical to install if  you stick with the standard tools (OS Xs Built in Apache, PHP and downloading MySQL)

I was expecting something much worse for Windows, especially since it is not a unix environment. Imagine my surprise when I got it up and running in 15 minutes using Microsoft products (legally and free!)

The new product is aimed at beginning web developers and is called WebMatrix. I was most impressed. It installed WordPress 3.01 without any trouble, downloaded PHP and MySQL
When I visted my new local wordpress install, I upgraded by the wordpress update function. It worked flawlessly.


Do a google search for “webmatrix wordpress”

New PC

Purchased my new PC today. It’s a beauty. I quite like Windows 7, it runs really smooth. Now all I have to do is buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 for US$39 from Steam.

In the US, you can buy it from Amazon for $16 !!! …. we certainly are ripped off here in Australia.

Buying a new PC

New PC and no, it is not a Mac

One of my resolutions this year was to become competent at photography. What has that got to do with a new PC?
Not much you would think. But in addition to knowing the art and technicalities of a taking a photo you also need to know how to “develop” it.
Develop in this case means using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CS5.

Now I already have a Macintosh laptop but I want something with a bit more grunt.

So a new Intel i7 desktop running Windows 7 is the first choice because it is open I can easily add more storage, video cards as need.
That is something you cannot do on the Macintosh without having my current situation. Sometimes I have had 7 USB hardrives attached to my mac laptop!
When you go to save a file, it spins up all the attached USB hardrives, This can make saving files somewhat slow.

I will be buying the Coolmaster Haf X full tower case. It is massive! I love it.

As I am making this decision to buy Intel, has released the second generation of the i7 called “Sandy Bridge”

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